Monday, July 14, 2008

Veggies Galore!

I don't think I've ever mentioned that I am vegetarian and have been for quite a long time and it's great!!! Sometimes it is very annoying when people say stupid things about vegetarians, things that I'd rather not say because of how stupid those comments are! I found some quotes by some famous vegetarians and/or animal rights supporters that I thought were interesting.

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"I sometimes think, would I drink the milk from the breast of a woman I don't know? No. So I think, why would I drink it from a cow."
-Devon Aoki

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"Once people spend time with farm animals in a loving way ... a pig or cow or a little chicken or a turkey, they might find they relate with them the same way they relate with dogs and cats. People don't really think of them that way because they're on the plate. Why should they be food when other animals are pets? I would never eat my doggies."
-Alicia Silverstone

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"I take vitamins daily, but just the bare essentials not what you'd call supplements. I try to stick to a vegan diet heavy on fruit, vegetables, tofu, and other soy products."
-Clint Eastwood

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"I think and speak clearer since I cut the dairy out. I can breathe better and perform at a better rate, and my voice is clearer. I can explore different things with my voice that I couldn't do because of my meat and dairy ingestion. I am proud and blessed to be a vegetarian, everything became clear."

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"People get offended by animal rights campaigns. It's ludicrous. It's not as bad as mass animal death in a factory."
-Richard Gere

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"Humans are the only hunters who kill when not hungry."
-Steven Spielberg

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"A human can be healthy without killing animals for food. Therefore if he eats meat he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite.
-Leo Tolstoy"

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"In all the round world of Utopia there is no meat. There used to be, but now we cannot stand the thought of slaughterhouses. And it is impossible to find anyone who will hew a dead ox or pig.I can still remember as a boy the rejoicings over the closing of the last slaughterhouse."
-H G Wells - A Modern Utopia

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"If you could see or feel the suffering you wouldn't think twice. Give back life. Don't eat meat."
-Kim Basinger

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"We stopped eating meat many years ago. During the course of a Sunday lunch we happened to look out of the kitchen window at our young lambs playing happily in the fields. Glancing down at our plates, we suddenly realised we were eating the leg of an animal who had until recently been playing in a field herself. We looked at each other and said: "Wait a minute, we love these sheep-they're such gentle creatures. So why are we eating them?" It was the last time we ever did."
-Paul and Linda McCartney

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"Behind every beautiful fur, there is a story. It is a bloody, barbaric story.
-Mary Tyler Moore

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"It's sad. That's a living creature. We don't have the right to take thier life away for fashion.
-Carmen Electra

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